First Name
Last Name
What's your Instagram name?
Please turn your Instagram profile to public so we can see you :) (This will help us pair you with a roommate, and make sure you are a good fit for the group)
We need this information so we can contact you :)
For this retreat, we are accepting girls 18 years old and older and couples. How do you plan to attend?
I'm going to be coming by myself.
I'm going to be coming with a friend.
I'm going to be coming with my significant other.
Not sure
If you are coming with someone else, what's that person's name?
Where are you from? We want to get to know you better! :)
List any allergies or medical needs we should know about.
What are you most excited about for this trip?!
Are you 18 years old or older?
Yes, I am 18 years old or older.
No, I am under 18 years old.
I am aware that I am responsible for getting to and from Kona, Hawaii. (Group transportation will be provided once in Kona, Hawaii)
Yes, I know I need to book and pay for transportation going and returning from Kona, Hawaii.
No, I'm not sure.
I am aware of the investment for this retreat.
Yes, I am aware of the investment.
No, I am not sure.
Thank you!