How do I edit with the Lightroom Presets?

Here is a video showing how I use them: https://youtu.be/YevdhEuJLRw

What is a preset?

A preset is a filter for your photos. They are called presets because they are made within Adobe Lightroom and are “pre” decided “setting” that can give your photos a certain look and feel.


What is the difference between a normal preset and a mobile preset?

Great question!

  1. Normal presets are used on a desktop computer. For a normal preset you can still apply it if you shoot in jpeg format, but you will get the best results possible if you shoot in RAW (more about shooting in RAW below).You will also need a desktop computer and Adobe Lightroom (usually $15/month). A normal preset is a preset that you install into Adobe Lightroom (for you desktop). Once the preset is installed you then apply it, make tweaks, export the picture, and then share it!

  2. Mobile presets are used on your phone. For a mobile preset you will need to download the FREE mobile Lightroom app.


Do I need Adobe Lightroom?

For the normal presets you will need Adobe Lightroom for desktop. For the mobile presets you will only need to download the FREE mobile Lightroom app on your phone.


What does it mean to shoot a photo in RAW?

Not all cameras can shoot in RAW (some only shoot in JPEG) but if you have a DSLR camera you probably have the option to shoot a photo in RAW. A RAW photo has a lot more information than a JPEG photo. It’s kinda like going to a restaurant and choosing a gourmet burrito or going to a supermarket and getting a frozen burrito. The frozen burrito (or JPEG) is good but it is what it is and there’s only so much flavor you can get from it. The gourmet burrito (or RAW photo) from the restaurant has so much more flavor and toppings you can put on it to make it mind blowing amazing! If you shoot a photo in RAW, it will take up more space on your memory card but you will have the opportunity to pull out more color to make your photos mind blowing amazing!


Do I need to shoot my photos in RAW to use these presets?

No. If you are planning on using the mobile presets you can just use your phone camera or any other camera. If you are planning on using the normal presets (for the Adobe desktop Lightroom) then you may want to consider shooting your photos in RAW. You don’t have to and your photos will turn out good. BUT if you want your photos to turn out amazing and be able to have more control of how your photo looks then you will want to shoot in RAW.


How do I shoot in RAW?

It is usually a setting you can set within the Menu section of your camera. For our Canon cameras it is usually one of the first setting once you hit the Menu button. Every camera is different so it’s best to Google how to shoot in RAW with your camera body.


What is the refund policy?

No refunds, returns, or trades. I know it seems harsh but once you make the purchase you will have access to the preset files. Please make sure they are what you want before you purchase:)


What if my photos don’t look exactly like the ones I see on @ockeydockey’s Instagram?

Here is a video I made that shows how I apply my Adobe Lightroom presets:

Each photo is different and is taken with different lighting, settings, cameras, and lenses. All these play a role in how a photo will turn out. Although your photos may look slightly different, my presets will put you at a great starting point and small  will allow you to create photos will a very similar look and feel! :) I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Use #ockeydockeypresets on Instagram:) I would love to shout out some of my favorite pictures in my story!


How do I install the presets on Lightroom for Mac?

  1. Open up Lightroom

  2. Click Lightroom (top left corner) > Preferences > Presets (top left part of pop up box)

  3. Click Show Lightroom Presets Folder

  4. Double click Lightroom folder

  5. Double click Develop Presets folder

  6. Drag or copy the folder with your new presets into the Develop Presets folder

  7. Restart Lightroom and your new presets should be on the left once you are in the Develop tap within Lightroom


How do I install the presets on Lightroom for Windows?

  1. Open up Lightroom

  2. Click Edit (top left corner) > Preferences > Presets

  3. Click Show Lightroom Presets Folder

  4. Double click Lightroom folder

  5. Double click Develop Presets folder

  6. Drag or copy the folder with your new presets into the Develop Presets folder

  7. Restart Lightroom and your new presets should be on the left once you are in the Develop tap within Lightroom


How do I put the presets on Lightroom Mobile?

  1. On your phone, open the email that what sent to with the mobile presets

  2. Click on each photo and copy the to Adobe Lightroom CC (on your phone) into a new Album

…. If that isn’t working there is another way! :)

  1. On a desktop computer download the file that is sent to you. It will be a ZIP file and all the presets will be in there.

  2. Once the ZIP file has been downloaded to your computer, double click on the ZIP file to open it up. A normal file will then appear with your two mobile presets.

  3. Attache each mobile preset to an email and email them to yourself. Note: they need to be out of the ZIP file and out of the folder. Make sure the email has two files which are the two mobile presets (they will say “.dng” at the end of eac file).

  4. Now go onto your phone and open the email you sent to yourself with the two mobile presets. Once you find the email, save the images them to your phone’s photo album.

  5. Go into Adobe Lightroom CC (which you have previously downloaded to your phone) and tap the plus symbol in the top right corner, then select Create Album and title it (I titled mine “ockeydockey presets”).

  6. Tap the three dots next to the new album you created and select Add Photos. Then select Camera Roll and click on the two DNG files that you uploaded to your phone’s camera roll and tap Add 2 Photos. You will see the two images appear in the album.

  • Here is a video with ANOTHER simple way to put your mobile presets on Lightroom Mobile: https://youtu.be/9tpXvInKo84

*Instructions below will show you how to apply the presets you’ve now added to your Adobe Lightroom CC on your phone :)


How do I apply a mobile preset to a picture on my phone?

  1. Find the ockeydockey mobile presets that you downloaded to Adobe Lightroom CC (on your phone). If you need held downloading the mobile presets to your phone look at the instructions above. 

  2. Click on the one you want to use and then copy the setting by clicking on the three little dots in the top right corner and click Copy Settings

  3. Find the picture you want to apply the preset to (the picture must be in the Adobe Lightroom CC app)

  1. Once you find the picture, click on the three little dots in the top right corner and click Paste Settings

  2. Note: you will usually want to make minor tweaks to your photos after the preset it applied to get the colors and light exactly how you like them! :)